सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दु:खभाग भवेत् ।। |
Happiness be unto all. Perfect health be unto all. May all see what is good. May all be free from suffering. |
Freedom from covetousness and possessions beyond one's needs; |
Aparigraha allows one to be free from the fear of loss, hatred & anger towards what other's have, or attachment and disappointment when things are lost or unattainable. By the practice of Aparigraha one is aided in the practice of Ahimsa (non-killing), Satya (truthfulness), and Asteya (non-stealing). A rule is to never take more than what you need for your simple and bare living. Through the daily practice of the proceeding five actions of Yama, or self-restraint, one will quickly gain progress upon the spiritual path. |